Human Behavior Monitoring and Support (HBMS)

At Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, I have been a team member of the Human Behavior Monitoring and Support (HBMS) project, where we have developed an assistive system for human behavior support. Its focus was on unobtrusively supporting people in doing their activities of daily life autonomously in their homes: from basic ADL like dressing, via instrumental ADL like meal preparation, homework, laundry, using the phone and other technical devices, up to managing finances and using online (business) processes. HBMS “learns” via unobtrusive and secure activity recognition, abstraction, and integration of the person’s individual episodical knowledge, i.e. how she/he is doing things. This individual knowledge can then be used as needed to compensate for gaps in the episodic memory of the respective person. The project was founded from 2011-2017 by the Klaus Tschira Stiftung gGmbH, Heidelberg.

Selected Publications:

For more have a look on my publications page.


See the video playlist for some insights and results.